Sports strategies offer a clear plan for developing sporting facilities for the future. The purpose of the Sports development strategy is to provide a clear statement of the Local Authority / Organisations’ Sports Development aims, objectives and priorities for a set number of years.

Sports Facility Strategies: provides accurate and robust information about the current levels of provision of sports facilities such as tennis courts, rugby pitches, swimming water, sports halls. It also identifies where any deficiencies exist and directs future work towards meeting shortfalls in specific geographic areas.
Needs Analysis Studies examine the following: The identification of demand and needs, A review of policies, An audit of operations and management, Site and facility appraisals, Strategies for the future having regard to recreation / leisure and competitive needs and recommendations on funding options.
Development Control Plans: The aim of a Development Control Plan is to identify an implementation programme of facilities that will be developed over a set number of years, subject to the sporting and business case for the individual facilities
County Laois Community Needs Analysis – Holohan Leisure led a team of consultants who produced the first ‘Recreation, Leisure and Sport – Needs Analysis’ for a county in the Republic of Ireland.
Holohan Leisure led a team of consultants to write Ireland National Sports Facility Strategy. The National Sports Facility Strategy plays an integral role in the realisation of the Department of Tourism Transport & Sport (Formerly Dept. Arts, Sport & Tourism) objectives. The aims of the strategy were:
- To provide high-level policy direction for future investment/grant assistance at national, regional and local level.
- To identify the facilities requirement for sport so that participation at reasonable cost is feasible for those who wish to engage in sport at either amateur or elite level.
On 27th January 2004 Mr. John O’Donoghue TD, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism announced the Government’s decision to proceed with the development of a Sports Campus on the 500 acre, State-owned lands at Abbotstown. The Minister requested Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd. (CSID) to put forward proposals for sports campus and to oversee its development. The Davis Langdon PKS team were appointed by CSID on 6th August 2004, working with Holohan Group to produce a Development Control Plan (DCP) for the future development of Sports Campus Ireland.
Ballymun Regeneration Ltd. (B.R.L.) was set up to implement Ireland’s largest regeneration programme and build a new town for 30,000 inhabitants in Ballymun. BRL commissioned Holohan Leisure, to examine the recreation, sport and leisure needs in Ballymun and to recommend a strategy for developing facilities and programmes for the future.